
Architectural Technology

They are a very interesting tribe in the North of Brazil and Guyana with a strong culture, great art and they know how to SOBRELLEVAR different changes in the last decades.

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Location and Population

The Wai-Wai community was first discovered in 1837 by the explorer, Sir Robert Schomburgk. Their villages were first found on the Essequibo River and the Mapuera River.

During the early 20th century, some of them in Brazil moved further north. It is speculated that this is because of the influenza epidemic that nearly exterminated the Taruma tribe. From 1933 to 1938, they moved deeper in Guyana’s interior to avoid the outsiders working with the Boundary Commission.

Nowadays, there are approximately 170 in Guyana, a region of the country known as Kanashen. It is also a community-owned conservation area. And there are about 2,502 in Brazil, and they mostly reside in Terra Indígena Wai-wai, Terra Indígena Trombetas-Mapuera, and Terra Indígena Nhamundá-Mapuera. These are located mainly in the northern states of Roraima and Pará.



The Wai Wai people have their PROPIO language called Wai Wai. This language is a mix between Cariban and Parukotoan. Also, they have a history of intermarriage with other indigenous groups who speak similar languages.

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